Wednesday, December 11, 2019

image 1

Describe the image as closely as you can.  Write your description on your Blog. What do you think is going on here?  Is this an artistic image or a documentary image (or both)? Is the image Photoshopped? Try to assign meaning to the image. What do you think the photographer's intent was? What does the image say to you? How does the difference in scale between the man and the girl's face add to your interpretation of the photograph?

The photograph includes the closeup of the proper aspect of a human face, containing the top of the lip, the nosethe eye, and the eyebrow. Upon the face is a miniature guy on a mountaineering line.This photograph is both photoshopped or a man on a large billboard. I agree with that this is each a creative and documentary image due to the fact it could be untampered and yet represent an artistic relief. This photograph could thoroughly be photoshopped.If this picture changed into to have which means, I might say it might be task of accomplishing societal standards for perfection and beauty. I suppose the photographers motive become to capture hobby within the not regular. The photograph is calm to me due to the fact the man is at a relaxation rolebut it also conveys struggle. The distinction in scale elicits an unrealistic fashionable or a adventure of extra importance.

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Power Of Internet Images

Adventurous, daring, brave, down-to-earth, sensible

I think it was successful because it shows her going to all these places and doing things for pictures that are somewhat dangerous to get an amazing photo.

I'm not able to tell because these photos do not show much other than that she likes to go places, but I could see how she could be a social media influencer.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Fear Project

                                 Thanatophobia: The fear of losing someone you love

Monday, September 9, 2019

Are you lost in the world like me?

1. What is the general premise of the video? Everyone is so focused on our phones, it's like we're walking zombies.

2.Is the video effective in conveying it's intended message? Yes.

3.Do you feel that this is more of a cautionary story (a warning) or more of an examination of our current social situation? Why?  I think it's a little exaggerated in my opinion. People obviously have some sort of feelings and don't just act like robots. I say its a bit more of a cautionary story, but I feel it wont ever be that bad in our society.